EUCALYPTUS trees are highly critiqued by many South Africans because of its threat to our unique indigenous plants and also because of its heavy water consumption. Although it has a bad rap in SA, it still has marvellous qualities.
Above: Green eucalyptus leaves rustling in the wind.
Eucalyptus trees are a great forage for honey bees. They provide a reliable pollen source and an abundant flow of nectar. And we all know how important bees are for our own survival.
Above left: This work is titled Eucalyptus leaves 2, available via my website.
Above right: Eucalyptus leaves changing colour.
It also has a lot of healing and medicinal power, which comes from using the oil. The eucalyptus oil is extracted from the leaves and can be used as an antiviral with antibacterial properties, which comes in handy when you have a cold or flu.
Above left: Close-up of eucalyptus bark
Above right: Beautiful colours of the bark
Above: Eucalyptus trees seen from underneath
“The eucalyptus is a holy tree for the Aboriginals. For them it represents the division of underworld, Earth and heaven. At a spiritual level the eucalyptus has a purifying effect. Negative energy disappears in the place where you burn a eucalyptus leaf.”
(cited from
Above left: Old bark pieces beneath the trees. This work is titled WLB3 and available via my website.
Above left: This work is titled WLB2 and available via my website.
“Some people, some nations, are permanently in shade. Some people cast a shadow. Lengths of elongated darkness precede them, even in church or when the sun is in, as they say, mopped up by the dirty cloth of the could. A puddle of dark forms around their feet. It’s very pine like. The pine and darkness are one. Eucalypts are unusual in this respect: set pendulously their leaves allow see-through foliage which in turn produces a frail patterned sort of shade, if at all. Clarity, lack of darkness-these might be called ‘eucalyptus qualities’”
Above: Discarded gumnuts seedpods.
Above: Example of A1 prints in frames. Left is titled WLB2 and right WLB1. Prints available via my website.
Despite it having a bad reputation in this part of the world, it is still one of my favourite trees. I grew up surrounded by Eucalyptus trees; and in my eyes, it will always be part of South Africa and a part of me.
Shop my eucalyptus prints via my website.
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